Geneva College Core Curriculum-新濠天地app


通过将你的专业领域与核心课程相结合,你将学会将信仰与学习结合起来. To think constructively and creatively. 凡事寻求神的旨意,全心全意彼此接纳. 新濠天地app一起发现上帝呼召的重要意义.

的核心 ensures a comprehensive education that is...






Our core is not a smattering of random courses. 核心是有目的和大胆的,将帮助你在学习中进行建设性和创造性的思考.

Geneva's Core Curriculum Textbooks

  • Encountering the Old Testament - Bill Arnold
  • Encountering the New Testament - Walter Elwell & Robert Yarbrough
  • Creation Regained - Albert Wolters
  • Delighting in the Trinity - Michael Reeves
  • Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus - Nabeel Qureshi
  • Hidden 世界观s - Steve Wilkens & 马克·桑福德
  • The Screwtape Letters ——路易斯
  • Alone Together Sherry - - - - - -特克
  • 修辞 & 诗学 ——亚里士多德
  • They Say, I Say - Gerald Graff
  • The Silver Chair ——路易斯
  • The Last Battle ——路易斯
  • A Day in the 生活 of Ivan Denisovich - Alexander Solzhenitsyn
  • The Death of Ivan Ilyich - Leo Tolstoy
  • A Good Man is Hard to Find - Flannery O’Connor
  • 地狱 ——但丁
  • 《新濠天地app》 ——荷马
  • Much Ado About Nothing - Shakespeare
  • 《新濠天地app》 - Mary Shelley
  • The Sunflower - Simon Wiesenthal
  • 记住 - Wendell Berry
  • Concise Guide to Critical Thinking - - - - - -沃恩
  • The City of 神 St. ——奥古斯汀
  • Great Political Theories, Vols. 1 & 2 - Michael Curtis
  • The Virtuous Minds ——菲利普·道
  • Here I Am (Now What on Earth Should I Be Doing?) - Quentin Schultze

What Courses Will I Be Taking?

The Triune 神 reveals himself in the created world. 新濠天地app新濠天地app的圣经核心课程旨在让学生相信圣经是神所写的, 绝对正确的, inspired and authoritative special revelation, and ultimately in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. 3门课程

人类人性课程探索人类生命的目的,这是荣耀和享受神作为人类在Coram Deo. 这需要在基督教知识传统的基础上,根据对上帝的认识来认识自我. 2课程

Community of Learners学生将在以基督教信仰为导向、以文科理想为架构的高等教育机构中了解自己的身份. 1课程

宇宙宇宙课程探索物理和生物宇宙的本质——从星系到海洋再到人类. As the creation of 神, 宇宙是用来揭示神的荣耀和属性的,是用来被理解的, 欣赏, and stewarded by humankind. 3门课程

社会按照三位一体神的形象所造的人,在本性上是社会性的生物. 社会 courses explore the purpose and contours of human society, enabling students to understand and evaluate its varying forms. 2 - 3个课程

原因 & 修辞修辞学和理性课程为学生准备谨慎和深思熟虑的文化参与,并要求语言能力, written and oral. As individuals created in the image of 神, students must learn to listen, 说话, 读, write and reason with wisdom, 护理, and integrity. 2课程

Cultural Engagement文化参与课程建立在其他核心领域的基础上,以培养学生在文化和公民生活中谨慎谨慎和负责任的参与. In keeping with the love of Christ and growth in wisdom, students develop an informed, 深思熟虑的, 有爱心的, understanding of and approach to culture. 3门课程

新濠天地app新濠天地app的核心课程提供了促进学生知识增长的框架, 技能, biblical understanding and attitude.

的核心 and Your Degree

每个学生在新濠天地app的核心课程中获得43-49个学分,与专业领域的48-72个学分相匹配,可以与其他专业相结合, 未成年人, or elective courses of study.

Key Themes of 的核心

Bible Knowledge and Christian 生活

阐明基督教信仰的基本圣经真理,并发现你的呼召,以圣经的方式参与人际关系, 职业, 家庭, 和教堂


Understand the nature, 的优势, 弱点, 运用世界观,批判性地、深思熟虑地将世界观分析应用到生活的各个领域


Learn to communicate clearly, 负责任的, and with integrity in written and oral forms, and evaluate the written, 基于相同标准的他人的口头和艺术交流

文科 & Critical Thinking

展示发展终身学习技能的价值,以批判性地回应塑造世界的智力和艺术作品, 用培养身体素质的终身习惯来补充这些技能, mental and emotional well-being

Cultural Engagement



  • Explore how Ideas are interconnected 你不是一维的,你的教育也不应该是一维的.
  • 统一 核心课程帮助你理解社会的不和谐和冲突
  • 作为 diverse community of learners 学习从工程到通信的一切,你面临的挑战是建设性地参与世界的承诺,并寻求上帝在所有事情上的设计.

Geneva's Core Curriculum


通过将主要研究领域与核心课程相结合,学生将学会将信仰与学习结合起来,并进行建设性和创造性的思考. 课程帮助学生看到上帝的设计在所有的事情,并鼓励全心全意的社区. 新濠天地app的学生一起发现上帝在他们的研究领域对他们生活的呼召的引人注目的意义.

神 (9 Credits)

  • BIB 112: Biblical Introduction I (3)
  • BIB 113: Biblical Introduction II (3)

And either of the following courses

  • BIB 300: Foundations of Christian Thought (3) (must be taken at Geneva; see catalog for exception)
  • PHI 310: Christian Understanding of 生活 (3)

人类 (6 Credits)

  • HUM 103: Invitation to the Humanities (3) (must be taken at Geneva)
  • HUM 203: Making the West (3)

Community of Learners (3 Credits)

  • SSC 101: Learning and Transition (1)
  • Or
  • EGR 100: Engineering: Calling and Vocation (1)
  • Or
  • HON 101: Freshman Honors–College (1)
  • NUR 100: Pre-Nursing Seminar (1)

宇宙 (9 Credits)

  • PED 103: Physical Fitness (1)
    • 请注意,PED 103-V部分仅供大学学生运动员使用. In order to take PED 103-V, 学生运动员必须在2016年秋季或之后进入新濠天地app新濠天地app,并且是参加校队运动的第二个赛季. 学生运动员应该在他们的运动季节的学期参加PED 103-V.

And either of the following options

  • SCS 110: Introduction to the Natural Sciences (4)
  • Minimum of 3 credits from 宇宙 options
  • Or
  • 3 lab courses in two different areas
    ( Biology/Chemistry/Environmental Science/Physics)

社会 (6-9 Credits)


  • A组 课程, C组 课程(3) (from 2 different disciplines)


  • A组 课程二 B组 课程(3) (from 2 different disciplines)


  • Engineering Majors: ECO 270微观经济学原理(A组),外加B组或C组的一门课程


  • Chemical Engineering Majors:  ECO 270 only (not required to take a B组 or C course)


原因 & 修辞 (6 Credits)

  • ENG 101: English Composition (3)

    必须参加,除非达到SAT基于证据的阅读和写作部分的最低640分或ACT英语测试的最低29分. This requirement is met only with a grade of C- or better.

加上以下课程之一(如果学生的SAT/ACT成绩免除他们参加eng101), then both of the following courses must be completed):

  • COM 101: Principles of Communication (3)
  • PHI 100: Critical Thinking (3)

Cultural Engagement (7-9 Credits)

  • POL 352: Great Issues in Politics (3) (must be taken at Geneva)
  • HUM 303: Perspectives: Modernity, Post-Modernity, & Virtual Culture (3)
  • Major Capstone Experience (1-3 credits)
    (an internship, 高级纸, 高级专题或高级研讨课程,由各专业部门决定.)


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